- PWN4PWNFlyerUK Flyer for a doctor’s waiting room or hospital information corner.
- MedInfoCardDeutsch Our printable Medical Info card in the German language.
- MedInfoCardFrance Our printable Medical Info card is in the French language.
- MedInfoCardESP Our printable Medical Info card in the Spanish language.
- CoRDS Researcher Access Request Form Approved researchers can apply for access to our N-register data.
- Discover Xywav for N or IH.
- Xyrem Logbook All things you should log while starting Xyrem.
- Antidepressants All about antidepressants for narcolepsy.
- Baclofen4dummies A guide to baclofen for narcolepsy.
- XYREM vs Baclofen A patient experience trying both medications, based on the next 2 PSG links.
- PSGbaclofen A PSG study on Baclofen.
- PSGxyrem A PSG study on Xyrem.
- Clinical trials Infographic on clinical studies.
- Doctors visit How to prepare for a doctor’s appointment.
- Epworth Sleepiness Scale Measure your EDS.