Narcolepsy on Facebook
Facebook discussion groups can be a great resource to talk about your Narcolepsy and get useful tips.
You might even find another PWN in your own area.
Living with Narcolepsy
N.R.G. Narcolepsy Resource Group
Helpful Narcolepsy Information
Narcolepsy/Cataplexy Education Focused Group
Shock Collar Nation-Cataplexy Experienced
Narcolepsy Friends
Narcoleptics and other Higher Life Forms
Foothills Narcolepsy Support Group
Supporters of People with Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy Support Group
Narcolepsy Support Group
Narcolepsy Support Group
Narcolepsy Support Group
Local Support Groups-
Narcoleptics In Paradise Support Group
Mid-Atlantic Narcoleptics (NY,PA,NJ,DE,MD)
Narcolepsy of Indiana
Northwest Narclepsy Support Group
DFW Narcolepsy Friends (Dallas/Fortworth)
Virginia Narcolepsy Friends
Narcolepsy Friends (WesternCentral PA,OH,WV,MD)
Friends w/ Narcolepsy in Dayton, Ohio area
OK Narcolepsy Friends
Parents of Children with Narcolepsy (Utah)
Special Interest-
Gluten Free PWN
Narcolepsy Kids and Parent Support Group
Sleeping Beauty (Narcolepsy Support For Women)
Narcolepsy Humor
Narcolepsy Gamers
Narcolepsy / Cataplexy education focused group
Narcolepsy Over 50
Pregnancy/Babies PWN
N[ART] narcolepsy art
Children with Narcolepsy-
Narcolepsy support for parents with children who have narcolepsy
Parents of Children with Narcolepsy (United States)
Children with Narcolepsy and Cataplexy
Closed Group Children with Narc and Cataplexy
Children with Narcolepsy and Cataplexy Closed Group

These are just a few of the many Facebook groups. With most you need to become a member first.
Please mail us if you want to add your group to this list.